FULVIC ACID: For Beautiful, Healthy Skin… and More!

FULVIC ACID: For Beautiful, Healthy Skin… and More!

October 03 2024

Fulvic acid is a powerful nutritional complex composed of vitamins, amino acids, minerals, and other important cellular nutrients. It is a fascinating natural substance that plays a vital role in the health of all living creatures. Found in the rich, decomposing layers of soil, fulvic acid is formed as plants, animals, and minerals decompose, creating a nutritional powerhouse that offers...

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What is the Best Way to Treat Acne?

What is the Best Way to Treat Acne?

March 14 2024

There are so many approaches to treating acne, it’s hard to know where to begin.  And of course, with all the various products protocols frustration can rile the day. So, in the efforts of simplification, here’s some ways to banish blemishes forever! Distinguish between food reactions which occur as rashes on the cheek area, around the mouth, and sometimes on...

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  • Anti-inflammatory Diet & Rosacea.

    Anti-inflammatory Diet & Rosacea.

    March 13 2024

    Rosacea,  an often distressing and psychologically debilitating skin condition affects an astounding 16 million or 5 percent of Americans.  And if you believe recent reports from the National Rosacea Society (NRS) the figures may be even worse.   In a Harvard Medical School study NRS researchers found a   prevalence rate for rosacea of 16 percent in Caucasian women and an overall rosacea incidence of...

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  • Pharmacy Secrets for Radiant Skin

    Pharmacy Secrets for Radiant Skin

    July 26 2023

    Formulated in the pharmacy by a pharmacist originally for healing patients with skin diseases and traumas, patients came back with more beautiful healthier skin, formulas converted in over-the-counter products for anti-aging and general skin beauty and health.Formulations that heal cuts and scrapes and minor burns as well asbeautify Pharmacy-powered, medicinal - Topical nutritional supplements for the skin.Health = Beauty.  No silicone,...

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  • Hydrate & Rejuvenate: The Power of GAGs

    Hydrate & Rejuvenate: The Power of GAGs

    July 20 2023

    Glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) are molecules found in the dermis of the skin and are critical for holding and trapping water. As we get older our dermal GAG content can drop dramatically and this at least partially accounts for many of the signs of skin aging. The most famous GAG molecule in the skin is also the simplest. It’s called Hyaluronic Acid (HA)...

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  • Radiant Skin Revealed: Unveiling Nature's Marvel

    Radiant Skin Revealed: Unveiling Nature's Marvel

    July 11 2023

    While taking a cursory peek at the skin may not reveal that much is happening, in reality this large structure (about 20 square feet on average, the size of 2 refrigerators) IS a dynamic living organ that processes an metabolizes biochemicals, makes vitamins and hormones which is exquisitely responsive to its environment. And the skin breaths too; it absorbs atmospheric...

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  • Hyperpigmentation


    March 24 2023

    Melanocytes are specialized cells found in the skin that are responsible for producing a pigment called melanin. This pigment is then transferred to other cells that move towards the surface of the skin, resulting in the characteristic coloration of the skin, such as tans and dark spots. In an ideal scenario, the pigmentation of the skin is uniform and consistent....

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  • Unlocking the Secret to Dandruff-Free Hair

    Unlocking the Secret to Dandruff-Free Hair

    March 13 2023

    The embarrassing flakes and uncomfortable itching associated with dandruff affects nearly 50 million Americans to one degree or another.  The most important thing to know about dandruff is that it is much more than unpleasant and cosmetically unappealing.  It is a health challenge and should be addressed as such.  Dandruff is associated with oily skin and acne and like these health issues, it...

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  • The Amazing Benefits of Chia Seeds You Never Knew About

    The Amazing Benefits of Chia Seeds You Never Knew About

    March 13 2023

    Remember the Chia Pet, well, the novelty toy from the 1990s is actually the end result of one of the best sources of digestive and nutritional support you can ever use!   Chia seeds are loaded with B-vitamins, minerals and essential fat and they’re a great source of estrogen-balancing and blood-sugar-lowering fiber. If you add ½ a cup of chia seeds to...

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  • Bioactive Blood Sugar Helpers

    Bioactive Blood Sugar Helpers

    March 13 2023

    Diabetics take note!  If you’re interested in lowering your glucose without medication or pharmaceutical insulin, both of which come potential negative or adverse reactions, there are some really interesting botanical anti-glycemic, i.e., blood sugar stabilizing herbs and plants that help reduce blood sugar natural and without toxicity.  Cinnamon is one of the most bioactive anti-glycemics, witch hazel, green and black tea...

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  • Eating for Beauty: The Importance of Phytonutrients for Healthy Skin

    Eating for Beauty: The Importance of Phytonutrients for Healthy Skin

    March 13 2023

    We all know we should be eating more vegetables, the vitamins and minerals found in plants are super-important for the strength and vigor of the body.  But it’s not just our insides that benefit from phytonutrients, plant nutrition is also important for the skin; pigments and antioxidants play an especially significant role in protecting us from the sun.  For maximum benefit make...

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  • The Truth About Cortisol

    The Truth About Cortisol

    August 25 2021

    Recent events have changed almost everything about the day-to-day life in the United States, from work and education to travel and recreation. And, according to the American Psychological Association, these changes have led to a significant amount of consternation. 

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